Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Need help using weblogs?

Come to a Weblog Workshop in the CESL Computer Lab (3206)
Tuesdays 3:00-4:00
Wednesdays 4:00-5:00


Practice English conversation in room 1122
Monday 3:00-3:30
Thursday 3:00-3:30 Beginning
Thursday 4:00-4:30 Advanced

If you prefer to meet with a conversation partner rather than with a small group, please notify writing assistants to make arrangements.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Students !!

If you are interested in our new "Art Paragraph" or in writing one and need some help.

We are here to help you ! Please contact Marie or I, we can set a time to help you out!

First thing you need to do is to contact CESL's writing assistants.

E-mail or come by our office and we can get started.

Have a wonderful day!!

Thursday, March 24, 2005


Stay tuned for some examples of the Art Paragraph Challenge. The idea is to
1) Link us to some interesting art. This can be defined widely: photography, quilts, web design, sculpture. But it should be something we can SEE on the web. Link us to it so we can SEE it.
2) Write a paragraph about it. You don't have to like it; you can write a paragraph about why you DON'T. But tell us what is special about it. What is interesting? Why did you pick it?
3) Put your paragraph on your class weblog and on your own.

Show us some art from your country, if you can.

There will be some examples in this space soon, and some links where you can find some if you really don't know where art is kept on the web.

Thank you for contributing to making these weblogs interesting!

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Best weblog 051

Congratulations to Danny for a very nice weblog: good personal picture, good posts, original wisdom brought in, a nice model for the rest of us. Keep up the good work!


Congratulations to Awni Najim, for the BEST LOGO (see top right). Thanks, Awni! Look for it on CESL pages on the web, and elsewhere.

For Everyone

During the off peak period at CESL, I would like to offer my services for any student at CESL in regards to help with weblogs, conversation, or any help related to writing or computer related questions. Please e-mail me at if you need any help.



Friday, March 04, 2005

Best weblog awards

There is no eot exhibit this term, so we will not have the ceremonial occasion like the Oscars, where one makes thank-you speeches, wears special dresses, is filmed briefly while getting in or out of a limo, etc.

We will, however, have Best Weblog Awards. These will be announced in the new print and web versions of CESL Today, the student newspaper.

We will have prizes too, though these always depend somewhat on the generosity of local merchants!

There are a lot of nice ones out there this term!